Square Valley Trail Blazers

Don't forget to purchase your Stop Sign Ad and/or Drag Sign Ad. Click the tab on the left for details. It is first come, first serve.

2025 Multiple Prize Drawing Tickets are now available. Click on our Fund Raiser tab to buy tickets or contact the club.

When you buy tickets online, please allow a few days for them to be processed. You will be sent copies of your tickets. Thank you for your support!


President - Dave Yerdon

V. President - Al VanSanford

Secretary - Linda Middleton

Treasurer - Lisa Stone

Trail Boss I - Frank Stone

Trail Boss II - Craig Yerdon


Taylor Pulver

Jason Stone

Kenny Spoon

Mike Mueller

Rick Hardman

Paul Szczesny

Elections for Officers is held at our August meeting.

Elections for 2 Board of Directors is held at our March meeting.

January 24, 2025

All Trails Are Open!​    

Please ride safely and respect our landowners.                           

Trail Cam


You can join anytime now for the 2024-2025 season. 

Join Online (See menu on left)

Join by Mail: SVTB, PO Box 846, Central Square NY 13036

Join by Phone: 315-668-9945


Thank you to our Landowners!

Thank you to our Volunteers!

Thank you to our Members!



It is with great sadness that we write this. 

One of our founding fathers George Phillips has passed away.

George joined the club at its beginning and became a Board of Director the second year, a position he held every year. George was one of our best groomer operators, mechanics and trail workers. George always kept us in line but he also loved to joke and tease us. We will be forever grateful for all George did for us. He will be forever missed. Thank You George!

​​​​​​Club Meeting

Wednesday December 11 at 7:00pm

Joa's Pizza Pub

​SR 49, West Monroe​​

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SVTB e-mails

Events, Trail Conditions, etc